Friday, July 29, 2011

Hard Boiled

I'm the kind of guy who buys a dozen eggs and winds up throwing out six of them after a couple of weeks of them sitting in my fridge.  I just don't cook eggs or cook with eggs often enough to go through a fresh dozen in the proper time.

But I bought a dozen eggs a few days ago because I was making this tomato/roasted red pepper stew that calls for an egg poached in the middle of it.  Delicious...I've posted it on my regular blog, but I'll post it here again sometime soon.  Anyway, after a few servings of that, I still had 8 eggs left over that I needed to do something with.

Tonight, I decided to make some tuna salad.  And, occasionally, I like to add a hard-boiled egg or two.  So I figured this was a good opportunity to cook all the remaining eggs and leave the rest for some egg salad or something in the future.  But I've always...ALWAYS...had a tough time with the peeling of the cooked eggs.  I read about all the secrets and tried them all, but none ever worked perfectly.  Most of the time was like peeling an orange with half the rind coming off or half the fruit coming with it, instead of a freshly peeled and perfect egg.

Well, no more.

Tonight I watched this video on Youtube...and it changed my world.  Check it.

I didn't use the baking soda because I didn't have any, but all 8 eggs came out perfectly. Almost TOO perfectly. It was both awesome and kinda weird.

Dig it. I'll never try to peel an egg without the blowing technique again! Ahem.


  1. I was always told not to hard boil "fresh" eggs. If they sit in your fridge for a few weeks they are better for hard boiling / peeling.
    Will watch video later. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Becky - Ha! I heard the opposite. Lots of stuff out there. But this one really worked well. ;)

  3. Always pop the egg on the counter broad side down (not the narrow top) with a good sharp knock is the secret I've learned. It's supposed to shoot a little poof of air around the circumference of the egg, freeing the membrane.
